C90 king air poh
C90 king air poh

This impressive record is a tribute to the outstanding qualities of the King Air. Many are in commercial airline, government, or military use in the United States and internationally. One out of every four turbine-powered aircraft- turboprop and pure jet-in business and executive use in the United States is a King Air. Engines two 550-shp Pratt & Whitney PT6A-21. Engines two 550-shp Pratt & Whitney reverse-flow, free turbines. Engines two 500-shp Pratt & Whitney turboprops. Engines two 715-shp AiResearch fixed-shaft turbines. Engines two 680-shp Pratt & Whitney reverse-flow free turbines. Engines two 750-shp Pratt & Whitney PT6A-135. Engines two 550-shp Pratt & Whitney reverse-flow free turbines.

C90 king air poh